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Cyn's knits and stuff
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
  Computer issue

Things are starting to look up. We got a few new things. The main computer is up and running, but had to be re-formatted for the new system board. So things are getting there. Next on our list is getting a new harddrive that can fit all our stuff.

I did find an on-line place to store photos! Unlimited storage! hehehe

So here is a pic of my little one slinging her doll (yes slinging, no toy strollers aloud). Hope you enjoy. :)

Just so you know, I'm a very opinionated mom. I have my views and have no desire to make people think the way I do. If you ask, I will give my opinion, and trust me, my opinions are strong.
I am an NOT a mainstream type parent and I have very little tolerance for a lot of what is deemed "normal". Now don't get me wrong I am a live and let live also. My views are strong so if you disagree with me that's fine. Just don't expect me to smile and nod. I'm not shy about letting my thoughts known. Also I'm not here to change the world so if I don't give out my views don't worry, they are still as strong as ever. :)

Since this is my knitting blog, you may never have to hear my views on these things anyway. I have my rambling blog for that. :)

Speaking of knitting, I haven't done much. I have been busy with a lot of things right now and my projects are on hold. Which is a problem since I need to do my NSF gift! Oh and I have no clue who I am sending it too. The e-mail that told me got stuck on the harddrive that we had to re-format. Now, my dh has backed it up, I just hope I can get it out. If not I will have to send an e-mail to the organizer of NSF.

Take care all! :) 

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