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Cyn's knits and stuff
Friday, April 23, 2004
  Missed my boy!

So how is everyone this fine day?

Well, he's here! He got home yesterday with all smiles. He had a blast at the camp-out with his class. He loved fishing and everything. :)
Now he is glad to be home and back to his games. LOL

As for knitting, not much got done. Hanging out with my handsome son. (Boy did I miss him!) Then this morning we had an appointment for him. So while he was in with the doc, dh and I took a walk and landed at the LYS. So I got to browse some new patterns from Dale. It seems a lot are not available on the net. Too bad I can't afford to buy them all since I'd have to get the yarn to go with it. I can't quite afford that.

Dh had to rush me out since we had to get back to pick up Ulie, so I didn't grab any sample brochures. Next time, I promise!

Well in yesterdays comments, Chelsea asked about my resource. As I said in reply to the comment, it is my mother-in-law. She has been doing this for years. So I thought I would post a pic of my handsome son in the last sweater she knitted for him.

The pattern is from Idena called 'Skoeytetroppens offisielle VM-Genser' 2004. Meaning 'The Norwegian Ice Skating teams official World Championship Sweater 2004'
and a pic of dd's in hers.

Isn't my mil talented? She did these so fast! I wish I was that good!!!

Have a great day all!



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