Button, button, who's got the button?
I do! I did like I said. I went out yesterday and bought buttons for my Twist Cardigan. :)
Here is what I chose:
Not bad? I was thinking getting a white and lavender. Then have the while button on the lavender yarn and vice versa, but decided against that.
One thing that drives me nuts in this town is that the LYS closes EARLY! I am not a morning person, but the shop is. It closes by 4:30pm and my dh gets off work around the same time. So by the time I get up, clean the house, feed Maya, welcome Ulie home from school and all the other motherly duties. My dh is on his way home. I also try to go outside with the kids as much as I can and help Ulie get started on his homework. So all my personal errands gets pushed back till later in the day. By that time the shop is closed. It is VERY frustrating!
Well as the shop had 5 minutes to closing by the time I was able to go, we headed to a sewing shop instead. They were closing too, but hadn't closed the door yet and they didn't mind one last customer for the day. Nice people! :)
It didn't take me long to pick out the buttons and my dh noticed something on sale:
I've been in the market for a sewing machine. This one is on an introductory sale for 1765kr. I've never sewn before, so I hope it is a good one for beginners. What I want to learn to do is quilting. Hopefully this will be good for learning that too. :)