Cyn's knits and stuff
Found it!
Guess what!!! I found my camera!
It was on the TV. I never put it there. Yet it was there in plain view for 3 days. Can you believe that?
Well I took a pic of the Lace Yoke Pullover.
Last time I only could find a pic of the front of the magazine. So I figured those who didn't have a copy of it were curious to what the pullover looked like. :)
Well little cutie has been wanting Mommy a lot and I'm trying to get a bit of spring cleaning done, so I have only gotten so far with it. I plan on putting up progress bars soon for all my WIP's. I have a tendency to forget things I am working on. I'm also gonna make a WIP page so I can keep track of yarns, dye lots and needle sizes just in case I forget. I've done that a few times and had to rip a few things out.
Any one have other ways of keeping track?
Oh well, we have 3 more additions to the web-ring
Nordic KnitBlogs. 12 so far, not bad for the first week! :)
Ha en god helg! <---- Have a great weekend!
I lost my camera!!!
I can't believe I lost it! I've looked everywhere!
Well I guess I have to just tell you what I've done with no pics.
First off I still haven't gotten to the next pattern on my Setesdal yet. I forgot I was gonna make a summer top for a friend for her birthday and it is rapidly approaching! So I've dropped everything to get it done. The pattern is from Vogue Knitting Holiday 2003 issue and called Lace Yoke Pullover
I went over to my lys and didn't find any yarn I liked at a reasonable price. So I went over to Sparkjoep (kinda like a mini walmart) And got some Gjestal baby yarn. It is 100% Merino wool. I have to double strand it to get the gauge, which is fine with me.
As for my new web-ring
Nordic KnitBlogs there have been no new sign-ups today. Yet the first few days we got 9! Not bad to start off with!
I know there are more Nordic Blogs out there, so don't be shy! We want you a part of this so we can get to know you!!!
A BIG Hello to Justyna! I didn't know you left KME4U. I just thought you were as quiet as I was on the group. It was so great to hear from you! I'll send you a private e-mail soon!
Well this was the first chance I got away from the little one who wants my attention again. She is growing a new tooth and has been experimenting with walking. All things that cause extra neediness. I love being a Mommy!!!!
Morning world
How is everyone today?
I have a notice, if you haven't already heard form
Theresa, I've started a web-ring. It is for Nordic Knitters.
Nordic KnitBlogs is for anyone who has a knitting blog and lives in any of the Nordic countries. Now be patient. I have just started this and still learning. If you have any comments or helpful hints feel free to post them or
e-mail me. In the meantime, feel free to
join! :)
On to other news.
This weekend we went looking around for tiles. A little while back we had our kitchen gutted and re-done.We went through an Italian company called
Vabene. To go with it we picked a white marbleish countertops and now need to get tiles.
Once dh gets home, we are off to look at more.
I got a bit of knitting done, but not enough to really post about. On the Setesdal, about 10 cm. I have about 6 more to go till the beginning of the arm section and next pattern style on it. Then got half way done on ds' 2nd washcloth.
Hopefully I will have more to post about later. :)
Missed my boy!
So how is everyone this fine day?
Well, he's here! He got home yesterday with all smiles. He had a blast at the camp-out with his class. He loved fishing and everything. :)
Now he is glad to be home and back to his games. LOL
As for knitting, not much got done. Hanging out with my handsome son. (Boy did I miss him!) Then this morning we had an appointment for him. So while he was in with the doc, dh and I took a walk and landed at the LYS. So I got to browse some new patterns from Dale. It seems a lot are not available on the net. Too bad I can't afford to buy them all since I'd have to get the yarn to go with it. I can't quite afford that.
Dh had to rush me out since we had to get back to pick up Ulie, so I didn't grab any sample brochures. Next time, I promise!
Well in yesterdays comments, Chelsea asked about my resource. As I said in reply to the comment, it is my mother-in-law. She has been doing this for years. So I thought I would post a pic of my handsome son in the last sweater she knitted for him.
The pattern is from Idena called 'Skoeytetroppens offisielle VM-Genser' 2004. Meaning 'The Norwegian Ice Skating teams official World Championship Sweater 2004'
and a pic of dd's in hers.
Isn't my mil talented? She did these so fast! I wish I was that good!!!
Have a great day all!

Fun and spunky, you link, there for you are! This
is all fun and games, and you do what you
damned well please!
What kind of blogger am I? brought to you by Quizilla
He's coming home today!
My ds has been to camp with his class. He's finally coming home today, YIPPY!
Before he left he asked me to knit him a washcloth for the trip, but he asked the day before. I only got half done. So Hopefully he will still want it since I did finish it.
The red on is what he asked for, but I started a blue one too. His favorite characters are Sonic and Knuckles, blue and red. I have a feeling he will find other uses for them other than washing his face. LOL
In other news, we have to replace our car. There is a requirement in Norway to get your car checked up every couple of years. The WHOLE car! So this year there are so many minor details and a lot of rust damage that we cannot afford to fix it. It is actually cheaper to replace it. So we found a guy that is unloading his used car for a really cheap price. So here is our new car.
Well, I'm off to knit some more before Maya wakes for her first nap.
Ha en fin dag! <---- Have a nice day. :)
WOW, Check it out!
I'm actually posting in this blog! I've stopped knitting for a few days to get this one up and running. There are a few things I wanted to do with my blog that I couldn't do over at
Live Journal
So I will turn that one into just a place to ramble and this one into my knitting blog. I like the community over there, so I don't really want to give it up.
As for knitting, I have a few projects in the works.
I have a sweater I HAVE to finish! it is for a cousins new baby. I also did a blanket for her, but haven't sent it yet. I wanted to get both in the package. (I will have to mail them to her.)
Another is a Ribbed sweater for my daughter. Peach and mint green.
It is from the book
Quick Baby Knits by Debbie Bliss.
Also the last project I finished was from the same book. Which I think came out great!
I am also doing a sweater for a friend of my husbands. It is a Norwegian pattern in Norwegian. So it is going slow. It is called Setesdal Genser (Genser is Norwegian for Sweater).
Now that has been a bit of a pain in the tush! First off my Norwegian isn't that great yet. Secondly I've only done texture knitting but never dual colors. So that is a first. Plus it is knitted in the round and that is a first too.
Not to mention I've had to frog it 3 TIMES! I'm getting close to the next pattern for the yoke and my mother-in-law (Gunn) is helping me with the translation says I have to increase and purl where it will be streeked for the arms. She seemed a bit unsure. LOL My guess is she is use to Dale of Norway patterns and this was a Peer Gynt. I just hope she is right so I won't have to frog it again!
Well thats enough to bring you all up to date.
Oh one more project. For my son, a washcloth. Something he has been wanting. He just went to camp with his school (and I miss him!!!). Well he asked for one just before he left. The DAY before he left. Little too short notice. I got half done before he walked out the door. Oh well, at least he will have a nice cloth when he gets home. :)
Have a great day all!