Cyn's knits and stuff
New bag
Well you can just call me the bag lady. As I bought a ready-made cross stitch project that I thought was too cute for Maya.
Betty's Green Bag
Cute huh? On the back side there is no design, so I plan to do the same top part, then put "Maya" on it. She has been getting a kick out of walking all over the house and lately she has tried to pick up anything that looks like a purse. So I couldn't resist. Could you?
As for my knitting Ridderspore. I had gotten 5 inches into it and realized I have to frog it. I have no clue how, but I got the gauge wrong. It was comming out way too big! So I took it all out and now I am re-gaugeing it. Argh! At least I was relaxed during the knitting. Now I won't be able to relax till I get it started again.
Here I go. :)
Changing Colors
Well, I haven't had much time to knit. I have been so busy with everything. My ds' birthday party went well. He had a fabulous time and enjoyed the gifts he got. One was a new video game,
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. He loves it! I have no clue what it is about this game, but he was so happy he got it.
Since I haven't had much time to knit or blog or surf blogs, I did have time to think about my project. I love the sweater pattern for
Ridderspore, yet there is one thing that I am not fond of. Pink! I have no clue why, I've just never been a pink person. So I've decided to take out that color. It is a very small amount, so I think it won't hurt the finished project. Now the question is what to replace it with. There is very little green in the pattern and I was thinking just to put that color in place. Yet my dh was thinking to replace it with a contrasting color like white. Any opinions?
Oh, I did a bit of blog surfing today after I got my house back in order and noticed
Garn, Te, & Sjokolade is setting up Nordic Secret Friends, a knitting exchange. I've never really done one are they fun? I'm thinking of joining. :)
Have a great weekend!
This will be a busy week.
I've got a busy week here. School is ending for my ds this week. There is a get together to clean up the school then a party. Also one of ds' friends birthday. Plus my ds' birthday. So that's 2 parties, one I have to set up. Also my dh last week of work before his vacation. There are things he will need to finish before he does since he will be off for 4 weeks.
I know I am forgetting a few things.
I feel like taking my knitting and locking myself in my room for a week. I guess I will do that next week. :-P
Oh, my ds took a spill the other day. I had called for him and he came running. He usually freaks out when I call him if he is up to something he shouldn't be. As he turned to the hallway he slipped and cashed! Banged his head hard on the tile floor and did a nice gash in his knee. He's better now. I just thought I would share the weekends drama.
Have a great week!
Yesterday's purchase
I got in so late and was so bushed, I decided to wait to post.
I have finally decided to make
Ridderspore for myself. I've never made a sweater specifically for me, so this is a first. I also wanted somethng for summer (since they are colder in Norway than what I am use to) and something for indoors. So I decided to try this pattern with cotton.
After my hubby got home from work, off we went into town and walked through Haraldsgata (Haralds street, which is a walking street. No cars allowed). It was a nice day and on thursdays the shops are opened longer. The LYS there usually closes at 4:30 (which barely gives me time to get there if I'm in the mood) on thursdays they close at 7pm. Yay!
I went and put some of the yarn to the side and brought a few balls home. I'm not sure how it is in the US (as I always got yarn from Wal*mart since I had even less money to work with when I lived in Cali), but at my LYS you can collect all the yarn you would need and they will hold it for you in a bag so you don't have to buy it all in one go and you don't have to worry about dyelots and all. Kinda like layway I guess. Which is good for money strapped knitters like myself. :)
It has been cold
We had such fabulous weather for about a week, then it went to cold again. Well I would say freezing, but what do you expect from a Californian living in Norway? If it is below 65F I am frozen.
Well my ds finally went back to school today. He had been a bit under the weather this week. He wasn't too happy to find himself going back tho, but with a week left of school, it can't be that bad. Can it?
My little one is walking all the time now too, so I have the new duties of chasing after her as she has also figured out that running away is fun. This age is just too great!!!
As for my knitting, I'm getting there on the Setesdal. I'm over half way done on the top pattern, so hopefully the body will be finished this weekend. Then I can get the arms started and this done. I want to get this one over with, mainly because it is my first Norwegian style and I want the experience. There are a few other patterns I would love to start and my dh won't add to my yarn stash till I finish. :(
Ok so we started a budget and I agreed. I should have made a loop hole for yarn.
Well I'm off to knit, little one is still asleep. Somedays I can't get any knitting in if I don't take advantage of this time.
Have a great day all!
Just an update
As you've probably noticed, June is a busy month for me. Like today we are getting ready to go to another family gathering. The family members visiting from the US are going home tomorrow. They just got back from traveling around Norway. So we will visit with them one last time before they go.
As for my knitting, Maya has been doing a great job at keeping me from it. I've gotten a decent amount of progress done considering her efforts:

Not bad, huh?
Oh and I want to thank
Anett for the help and trouble she went through for me. Thanks Anett!!!
Finished the book.
A good friend of mine from Cali had sent me a book
One for the Money. Well I just finished it. It wasn't that bad. It is in a series of books by
Janet Evanovich. I think I will look into reading the 2nd book. Has anyone else read any of her works?
Well today it is rainy at about 52F/12C. So I have yet to venture outside today. It had been really warm lately. I was getting use to the idea of taking walks, but it seems like that is out.
I need to come up with ideas for my son's birthday party anyhow. I am thinking of an outside party. Hopefully the weather will be up for it in a few weeks. :)
As for knitting, I've gotten a little more done on the Setesdal. I kinda got side tracked while I was knitting and had to frog a few rows for knitting the wrong part of the pattern. That costed me about 2 hours of work. I've never frogged one garment so much before.
I want a nap. :)
Morning :o)
Life is good. It is morning and the sun is up and I am about to knit. My little one is still asleep for about another hour. Here is my progress so far on the Setesdal:
As you can see, I've just started the top part of the pattern around where I will be cutting for arm holes. I am so not looking forward to streeking this. Yet the more I read
Wendys efforts, the more relaxed I will become. I'm guessing that may be one reason why I haven't finished this sweater yet.
As for my birthday, I had a good one. I got a call from the states and a few e-cards. Also my son made me breakfast in bed. Later we had a few friends over and a fabulous dinner. Cuban Pork with black beans, rice and fried bananas. Very yummy!
My wonderful husband also got me an addition to my collection of Rosina Wachtmeister. This time I got a tea cup and saucer.

Here is the cup and saucer.

Here is my whole collection.
I never thought I would have my own collection of art works. :)
Busy, busy, busy
Life is Busy as you can tell. Maya is walking now, but still prefers to crawl and I've been trying to get the rest of my spring cleaning done. It is my birthday tomorrow (well in Norway it is Today already! Happy Birthday to me!!!) and I have a few friends coming over for dinner. My dh went to school with one and the other is also an American. He fell in love and moved here just as I did. I don't see him much tho. He works here in town but lives a bit away, so hanging out is not an option a lot of the time.
I also got a package in the mail from a good friend back in Cali. She sent me a book
One For The Money, so I have been reading that. Not to mention some stuffed
Cat in the Hat characters and a few books for the kids. (Janet, your the best! We love you!!!)
Maya just feel in love with the Cat! She gives him kisses the whole time she's playing with him. Also Ulie got a book of Dragons he just loves.
Oh and I have been working on the Setesdal a bit. I have started the top part of the sweater. After I finish with that part I can go on to the sleeves. (Finally!)
Well I doubt I will post tomorrow or get any knitting done for that matter. So have a great Day and weekend and all! :)
Button, button, who's got the button?
I do! I did like I said. I went out yesterday and bought buttons for my Twist Cardigan. :)
Here is what I chose:
Not bad? I was thinking getting a white and lavender. Then have the while button on the lavender yarn and vice versa, but decided against that.
One thing that drives me nuts in this town is that the LYS closes EARLY! I am not a morning person, but the shop is. It closes by 4:30pm and my dh gets off work around the same time. So by the time I get up, clean the house, feed Maya, welcome Ulie home from school and all the other motherly duties. My dh is on his way home. I also try to go outside with the kids as much as I can and help Ulie get started on his homework. So all my personal errands gets pushed back till later in the day. By that time the shop is closed. It is VERY frustrating!
Well as the shop had 5 minutes to closing by the time I was able to go, we headed to a sewing shop instead. They were closing too, but hadn't closed the door yet and they didn't mind one last customer for the day. Nice people! :)
It didn't take me long to pick out the buttons and my dh noticed something on sale:
I've been in the market for a sewing machine. This one is on an introductory sale for 1765kr. I've never sewn before, so I hope it is a good one for beginners. What I want to learn to do is quilting. Hopefully this will be good for learning that too. :)